If you get sick you likely head to the doctor for some medication that will get you back to normal. When the check engine light comes on in your car you head to the mechanic. When you have trees on your property you want to make sure that you take care of them as well when you see signs they are damaged. Trees are part of your landscape that make a big impact. You want to make sure they are able to last a long time and continue to be healthy and grow. If you have a tree that falls and breaks it will have to be taken out and replaced. When the tree falls it can cause not only damage to the actual tree but it can also damage your home, car and other property. It is important to know what signs to look for when taking care of your trees. Crecraft for Treecraft Tree Service outlines what signs to look for when determining if your tree may fall.
Hole in the Base or Trunk of Tree
You want to look at the base or the trunk of the tree for signs that mean decay is setting in. The most common sign is that there is a hole in the tree that moisture can build up in. The hole will form when a tree branch falls off and leaves a hole that can fill with moisture. This will cause the tree to start to decay and the hole can become larger. If you see a hole in the tree trunk you want to make sure that you have your tree inspected.
Can a Tree Survive with Missing Bark?
The tree trunk and branches should have bark on them. This is a way to protect and keep them secure. The bark on the tree should be there and when you notice that it is gone you should have some concern as the area of the tree without bark can break more easily than the rest of the tree. This can cause the tree to fall or break a large portion off. You want to watch for these areas and have your tree looked at when you notice them. The area that is affected can look great under the bark but it is still weakened.
Dead Tree Branches
Your tree should be full and covered with healthy branches that have leaves all over it. A major sign that a tree can fall and is damaged is when you notice that an area of the tree seems dead. It can have a much lighter array of leaves or none at all. You may also notice that some of the branches are dead in a particular area. This means that the tree could be having trouble getting the nutrients that it needs. All it takes is one big storm to roll through and that tree can be down on the ground. A tree care expert can often remove the damaged and dead branches giving the tree a chance to regrow.
Emergency Tree Removal & More in West Norriton Township, Tredyffrin Township, East Norriton, Radnor, Wayne, Saint Davids, Lower Merion Township, Norristown, Upper Merion Township, Phoenixville & Greater King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
Crecraft for Treecraft Tree Service can come out and inspect your trees for signs of damage. Call us today!