The Emerald Ash Borer, also referred to EAB, is responsible for the death and destruction of ten million ash trees in 30 states within the United States. The EAB is native to Asia and most likely found its way to America by hiding in wood products and material during shipping. The EAB was first identified in the U.S. in 2002, in the state of Michigan where they spread from state to state. Treating solutions was quickly developed. However, in order to protect tree infestation, the EAB must be identified. Tree Craft Tree Service would like to share some of the common signs of an EAB infestation and when to seek EAB treatment services.
Thinning Tree Canopy or Crown
The top of the tree which is referred to as the canopy or crown, will begin to thin as a result of the EAB’s larvae feeding beneath the tree’s bark. If left unchecked, the canopy or upper tree branches can completely die. However, the EAB isn’t the only reason why a tree’s crown will thin. Disease or soil compaction can also cause the tree’s canopy to thin and die. You may need to look for other signs or symptoms of the EAB or do an inspection of the tree.
Epicormic Growth Shoots
When a tree is under stress they will attempt to grow new branches and leaves wherever the tree can still sucker. When an Ash tree is under stress, they are known to grow new branches along the lower parts of the trunk or along the main branches. When an Ash tree in being infested by EAB it will become very stressed. However, like a thinning canopy, suckering may be due from other environmental stresses.
Woodpecker Pecking Tree
Woodpeckers will notice the presence of the EAB. Woodpeckers will being pecking into the tree to get at the EAB larvae. If you notice more frequent activity from the local woodpeckers, your tree has a pest that the woodpeckers want and often it is the EAB.
D-Shaped Bore Holes in Trees
When the larvae mature into adults, which occurs between the months of June and July, the adult will chew their way out. When an EAB adult emerges from the tree, they leave behind a very distinct D-shaped hole. These holes are approximately 1/8 of an inch wide. The D-shaped hole can vary in direction. Native borers leave behind oval or circular shaped holes, so if you have D-shaped holes in your tree, you have EAB.
S-Shaped Larval Gallery in Tree Trunk
If you were to remove the loose bark from you tree and notice s-shaped or curving zig-zag like galleries in the trunk, this is another unique behavior of the EAB larvae. The larvae will twist and turn making S-like tunnels that are also about 1//8 of an inch wide.
Emergency Tree Removal in West Norriton Township, Tredyffrin Township, East Norriton, Radnor, Wayne, Saint Davids, Lower Merion Township, Norristown, Upper Merion Township, Phoenixville & Greater King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
An Emerald Ash Borer infestation can kill an Ash tree very quickly and therefore it is important to detect the signs of these invading pest. There are tree treatments that can help save your Ash tree from the EAB. If your tree has developed signs of EAB contact Tree Craft Tree Service. We provide tree services including EAB tree treatments.